How to make Concord run in Wine
I find that Concord (the 1999 edition for Windows 95) runs fine in Wine on top of Linux, but it needs some tweaking to make it usable.
The problems that I see when I run Concord in Wine under default settings[edit]
- clicking on a search result entry should display the passage in the book text window, but instead it displays a passage several pages earlier in the given book or chapter.
- highlighting text in a book should activate the jot button, but it does not.
These problems can be fixed by proper Wine configuration.
Wine Configuration[edit]
First, the patch should be applied to bring the application up to version 1.0.05 as shown here:
This patch is available under the name CrdWin105.exe.
If you look inside the self-extracting zip file for the patch, you see it contains three files:
- concord.exe
- riched20.dll
- riched32.dll
You must now tell Wine explicitly to use those versions of the dll instead of the versions bundled in Wine.
Open the "Configure Wine" application like so:
Under the Libraries tab, make the following entries:
I also prefer to increase the DPI setting in Wine so the default settings in Concord for all the windows look bigger.
Remaining problems under Wine[edit]
- unable to play hymns
- the popup text in a yellow-background that appears when you mouse over an entry in the search results is blank