Gnome3 tweaks

From Finninday
Revision as of 19:16, 9 May 2012 by Rday (Talk | contribs)

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disable the auto-maximize when moving a window to the top of the screen

use gconf-editor and go to :

- apps -> compiz-1 -> pluging -> grid -> screen0 -> options -> top_edge_action

set this value to 0

set focus follows mouse

install gnome-tweak-tool

can't get multiple workspaces on both screens of a dual-screen setup

use gconf-editor and go to: - /desktop/gnome/shell/windows/workspaces_only_on_primary

remove clutter of notify-send alerts from thunderbird

Google for "notify-send thunderbird hint transient"

Try this at the command line:

notify-send --hint=int:transient:1 Test

Make this fix to thunderbird:

In Gnome3, each call to notify-send by this extension, leaves permanent icon in tray area. You have to click on notification to get rid of it.

To fix it, one have to change one line in thunderbird.indicator.jar -> content/options.xul (line 32) to:

var args = ["--hint=int:transient:1", "-i", iconName, "-c", category, summary, body];

I'm using ubuntu 11.10 on mine machine it's:

in ~/.thunderbird/<random_string>.<email address hidden>/content/overlay.js

## The lines:
136 // generate arguments for notifier
137 if(sound != '' && player == 'libnotify')
138 var args = [title, message, "-i", icon, "-c", "email.arrived", "-t", timeout, "-u", urgency, "-h", "string:sound-file:" + sound];
139 else var args = [title, message, "-i", icon, "-c", "email.arrived", "-t", time out, "-u", urgency];

## have to be changed to:
136 // generate arguments for notifier
137 if(sound != '' && player == 'libnotify')
138 var args = ["--hint=int:transient:1", title, message, "-i", icon, "-c", "email.arrived", "-t", timeout, "-u", urgency, "-h", "string:sound-file:" + sound];
139 else var args = ["--hint=int:transient:1", title, message, "-i", icon, "-c", "email.arrived", "-t", time out, "-u", urgency];

Hope this helps ;-)

p.s. also I deactivated the notification in the Thunderbird main preferences, to not get two notifications for one email.

after installing gnome-shell, X runs at 100% cpu

upgrade to a newer, non-supported nvidia driver

The ubuntu-supported nvidia version was 173. I went to the nvidia web site and installed 285.

after upgrading to a non-supported nvidia driver, gnome-shell always goes into fallback

rebuild and reinstall nvidia driver

This was triggered by a kernel upgrade.

add a Java app to the favorites

Normally, you can just start an app and while it is running, click on the favorites to make it stick. If the system doesn't know about the application, you may have to make a .desktop file for it. You could use alacarte or you can make the text config file in /usr/share/applications.

Creating the application config file gets you to the point of being able to launch the app by typing the name of it in the launcher. But it still doesn't let you pin it in the favorites. When you left-click on the icon, you don't have the option of adding to favorites.