Furnace air filter

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The existing filter looks homemade with brackets to hold it in place. The opening that I want to match (after brackets are removed) is 6" by 20" tall by 22" wide

The standard size for that seems to be 20" by 25"


New house, new filters


Also need to replace the plastic pleats that are all broken:


What's a MERV?


Every time I order filters, my vendor has re-arranged their website. This time they have even dropped the Honeywell filters in favor of a cheaper Magnet brand. I'm still not entirely sure whether we use 16x25x4 or 16x25x5 filters and now I get to figure it out all over again with a new brand and new set of part numbers.

An important detail is that the furnace calls for part number FC100A1029.

51st Ave

Our air filters are 16x25 Merv 8 Honeywell FC100A1029 (http://www.airmechanicalinc.com/honeywell_filter_fc100a1029_16x25_2_pack.html)

I'm not sure if they are 16x25x4 or 16x25x5. The FC100A1029 part number returns hits for both. And the filter that fits in the furnace measures 16x25x4.5 inches. Bummer.

Follow this link: http://airmechanical.hasyourfilters.com/ And search for our filter part number shows me this product:

	Replacement Filter for Honeywell (AM1625)
Fits Models F25, F35, F50, F100
F150, F200, F300, 203719
FC100A1029, FC200E1029
F100F1012, F100F2002
Size 16x25x5 (15 3/4x24 3/4x4 3/8)

Ahah! 16x25x5 has an actual depth of 4 3/8". So that is what I want.

A 5-pack of those filters are $31/each with shipping only $9.00. Not bad.

Bah, Air Mechanical switched to a cheaper brand of filter. They are unlabeled and are slightly too big now. And I just bought a batch of 5 of these. I really have to work to wedge them in.

Looking for a local supplier

Ordering through Air Mechanical the filters cost $35 each and shipping is $30. I've got to find a local supplier. It looks like Lowe's is the only hit for a local supplier. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7316905024457172226?biw=1145&bih=907&q=fc100a1029&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.81456516,d.cGU&tch=1&ech=1&psi=loCHVJ2xNMq5ogSimoLYBg.1418166423583.18&prds=paur:ClkAsKraX-ecfu0ucFfSimU5RD4QWtrq7u53Dl_SFMVrN4PUeLGVdPuE13ZFYoPfC2TWm_dQxjSLJeoE5BKjlI9bgfMNuzI7pwIbQiNagnYHQIT5NOyzEDzQeRIZAFPVH70N6xGJGsjqQ3TrO35mCNhaB3NWOw,oid:2018564058998831618&lsf=seller:3136905,store:12686908953129303002&ei=9YGHVIv3FcPZoATdm4GQDQ&ved=0CHEQ3QswAA

A comment on the Lowes 16x25x4 filter complains that it is really 4.5 inches thick, which is exactly what I want.

replacement history

4/1/2008 Changed filter after about a year. Used last filter on hand. Bought 2 more filters.
12/18/2008 Changed filter after the fireplace put a lot of smoke into the system. Took out a MERV 8, put in the first MERV 10.
1/1/2010? Changed filter after furnace stopped working for renter.
 ? Hopefully some changes were unrecorded
3/30/2013 Completely filthy. Went to Home Depot for replacements.
2/21/2014 Some dust bunnies, but not clogged. Used last spare, need to buy more.
12/8/2014 clearly dirty and time to replace. Used 16x25x1 since that is all that I could get from Home Depot. It doesn't fit perfectly and I should probably order the right filters... The 16x25x1 filters were about $20 each.
1/1/2015 with more dogs and more people in the house, I switched to thinner filters that I replaced more frequently. I went through 3 in 3 months.
4/8/2015 After the pollen burst in the spring, replaced with longer-lasting 16x25x4
9/22/2015 Season is switching from AC to heat. Checked the filter and it looked pretty dirty, so put in a new one. Also vacuumed out the ducts as far as I could reach around the filter.
sometime in 2016 Not all that dirty. Forgot to record the new filter installation.
2/24/2017 It has been cold enough to keep the furnace going a lot this winter. The filter was pretty grey and fuzzy when changed.
7/15/2017 After a few days of wildfires in the Gorge, changed the filter and you could see the ash

filter label Furnace label