Difference between revisions of "Patch for round fractions in phpcookbook"

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(Created page with "The shopping list page shows decimal amounts instead of fractions. It would be nicer if it rounded decimals to the nearest simple fraction. This code does that to the nearest 1…")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:12, 19 August 2012

The shopping list page shows decimal amounts instead of fractions. It would be nicer if it rounded decimals to the nearest simple fraction. This code does that to the nearest 1/8th.

Apply the change to modules/lists/print.php

foreach ($useLayout as $section) {
    // Print the header here if requested
    $html = makeHtmlList($items, $section);
    if (count($html)) {
        // print the header
    //foreach ($html as $line) echo str_replace("<td>","<td>hi ",$line);
    foreach ($html as $line) {
        $fraction = 0;
        if ( preg_match("/\.\d+/",$line,$matches)) {
            $decimal = $matches[0];
            if ( abs($decimal-0.5) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 1/2";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.5);
            if ( abs($decimal-0.25) < 0.0625) {
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.25);
              $fraction = " 1/4";
            if ( abs($decimal-0.75) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 3/4";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.75);
            if ( abs($decimal-0.125) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 1/8";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.125);
            if ( abs($decimal-0.375) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 3/8";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.375);
            if ( abs($decimal-0.625) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 5/8";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.625);
            if ( abs($decimal-0.875) < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " 7/8";
              $diff = abs($decimal-0.875);
            if ( $decimal < 0.0625) {
              $fraction = " a tiny fraction of ";
        if ($fraction) $line = str_replace($decimal, $fraction, $line);
        $line = str_replace("0 ", "", $line);
        echo $line;
// Show the lost ingredients (no section matched)