Home coffee roasting notes

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All green beans are supplied by Sweet Maria's (http://www.sweetmarias.com)

Bean Roast method Amount Roast time Results
Ethiopia Kabala Poppery II .6 cup 8 min Uneven, not oily. Some beans still green. Didn't really get to the second pop. Probably too many beans in the batch.
Ethiopia Kabala Poppery II .3 cup 17 min Dark, almost oily. Clear second pop.
Sumatra Mandehling Poppery II .5 cup 12 min 50 sec Sheen, but not oily. Lustrous. Clear second pop.
Decaf Sumatra Mandehling
Guatamala Antigua Los Pastores Peaberry
Papua New Guinea Malooba

Roasting methods

West Bend Poppery II Air Popcorn Popper

Oven roast

Stovetop pan roast

Behmor 1600 Drum Roaster Sumatra Lake Toba 1/2 lb, P1, ++++

Liquid Amber Espresso 1/4 lb, P1, ++