End of bike season

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from blog October 13, 2006

I had to schedule some bike maintenance sooner than I hoped. A flat tire yesterday cut short my bike season which was supposed to end on Monday. I suppose now I’ll splurge for the full tune up, brakes, and new tire. Then I’ll just tuck it into the basement until spring.

I have to include a bit about all the remarkable progress that our little tool-user has made since the last post. He’s officially weened and working on potty training. When he had his first haircut at a barber, the wise barber tempted him into the chair by asking him to fix it with some tools. That kept him content through the whole ordeal. And I love that he can now say “I don’t know words” when he is struggling to express some new concept. This morning I heard “Mommy, this waffle doesn’t move.” That means, “This fork is inadequate to lift my waffle bites from the plate when there is so much syrup.”

Oh, and he is entranced by seeing videos of himself. And he likes to hear recordings of animal sounds. All in all, he is increasingly fun as he picks up his communication skills.